Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Allegory of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, I believe that Ichabod Crane represents the industrialization that was occurring the time that Irving’s literary work was written and Brom Bones represents the American people. These characters represent these to me because the American people were not sure about the new industrialization and expansion that was happening throughout the country because it was something new and unknown. Ichabod Crane represents the new lifestyle to me because he arrives at Sleepy Hollow and begins to want things that other people have, for example, Katrina Van Tassel. In response to Ichabod wanting to marry Katrina for her wealth, Brom Bones, who represents the American people, is not happy about this newcomer in town.

Another representation that Ichabod Crane can be is immigrants that come to America and Brom Bones is still the American people who are skeptical about the new people who are coming to their land to take the wealth that they have to make it their own. I believe both these representations can be possible because America was expanding at this time and new ideas were presented but the America people may have not been ready for them.

I think reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and looking for the allegory is an advantage if someone were interested in life during the time period of Washington Irving because they can research how different the country was becoming and how people during this time were responding to it. I also think reading the story this way can be a disadvantage because it is not easy to find the allegory hidden in the story unless you are looking for one. Either way The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is enjoyable in itself without any allegories.

**No resources were used.

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